The property P measured, was a chemical property of X; its acidity
The property D measured, was a physical property of X; its density
The property V measured, was a physical property of X; it's viscosity probably.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The property V that was measured is the acidity of X. The acidity of X is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions present in it. When drops of another solution, containing dissolved sodium hydroxide, are slowly added, and a pH indicator is used to determine when the sodium hydroxide has completely reacted with X, the procedure determines the concentration of X that would neutralize the base, sodium hydroxide.
2. The property of X determined in the step is the density of X, a physical property. First the volume of X was determined by the displacement method. Then the density of X is calculated from its mass and volume.
3. Since during the determination of the property V, there was no alteration done to the chemical constitution of X, the property thus determined is a physical property. Melting of the sample is a physical change and likewise its flow rate through a very thin tube.