Follows are the code to this question:
def dic_sorted(data):#defining a method print_dic_sorted
s = data.split()#defining a variable that use split method
d = {} #defining a dictionary
alpha = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' #defining a variable alpha that hold english alphabets values
for k in alpha:#defining for loop that stores values in the dictionary
d[k]= set()# use dictionary to set value in list
for i in s:# defining for loop to convert value in lower case
i = i.lower() #convert value into lower case by using lower method
a = i[0]# adding value into dictionary
d[a].add(i) # use add method to hold value in dictionary
for k,v in sorted(d.items()):#use for loop to convert value in assending order
if len(d[k])!=0: #use if block to check length of dictionary
print(k,":", sorted(v))#use print to sort value
f_name = 'input.txt'#defining a variable that open file
with open(f_name) as fi:#use open method to read file
data = # read file data
dic_sorted(data)#calling method
please find the attached file.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the code, the "dic_sorted" method is used, which accepts a data variable as a parameter, and inside the method, a split method and an empty dictionary are defined, that converts and holds the value by alphabetical order, for this it defines three for loops.
In the first for loop, it holds a value in the dictionary, and in the second loop it converts a value into the lower case, and in the third loop, it stores the value in its alphabetical order.