d. all of the above
Step-by-step explanation:
There are dissenting opinions among the sages as to whether or not the river loses its sacredness with the construction of the supercars. In a country where dam construction has become equivalent to nation building, where Jawahardal Nehru has declared that "the dams are the temples of modern India," the controversy surrounding the Narmada Valley .
Development Project has been raging for decades, and became the symbol of the struggle for a just and equitable society in India; a struggle between consumers and consumers. The Government's plan is to erect 40 large, 135 medium and 3,000 small dams to sustain the waters of the Narmada River and its tributaries. The river will be transformed into a series of reservoirs. Proponents of this project claim that it will provide large amounts of water and electricity that are desperately needed for development purposes.
Critics condemn it as a nightmare, an ecological catastrophe and a large-scale violation of human rights. Numerous poor and unprotected communities (mostly tribes) are being stripped of their ancestral farmland. With no means of livelihood, they are condemned to a ghost existence in urban slums or euphemistically non-arable land referred to as "rehabilitation sites." Sardar Sarovar Dam is the largest of the 30 major predicted Narmada. The planned height is 136.5 meters. It has become the focal point of the struggle between supporters and opponents of this development project.