Which sentence is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia Crossen's "A Culinary Wasteland"?
A. Furthermore, Mr. Schlosser's appraisal is not comprehensive but a hodgepodge or impressions, statistics, anecdotes and prejuidices.
B. Using Colorado Springs as his focal point, Mr Schlosser takes the reader on a behind-the-scenes tour of the fast-food industry that includes slaughterhouses, poultry processors, artificial flavors.
C. The "fast food mentality" as Mr. Schlosser calls it, has also defaced America's landscape, helped wipe out its small business and independent farmers and homogenized people's taste buds to a lowest common denominator.
D. Americans are addicted to cheap, bad food, he argues, and like all addictions, this one exacts broad and often unseen costs from the community.