The radar helped the British win the Battle of Britain by locating their enemies after they intercepted and decrypted their messages of attack. To create the perfect bait and make the germans believe they had the advantage.
Step-by-step explanation:
The battle of Britain was an episode in the second world war in the shores of Great Britain. German Luftwaffe raided the shores with fighters and light bombers. But thanks to the Britain discovery of the radar they were able to locate the planes and played strategic tactics, first of all, they installed a whole radar net to locate them and counter their attack. They had also intercepted and decrypted their secret messages to be ready. So Britain created a plan to bait the Luftwaffe and they fell into the tactic. Losing the first fights, but then when Great Britain had also a big air force, they countered them and dominated the air. Leading them to the bombing of different german strategical points.