1. Zeus- King of the Gods, God of the Sky, Lightning Etc...
2. Poseidon- God of the Sea, Earthquakes, Etc...
3. Hera- Goddess of Marriage
4. Demeter- Goddess of Agriculture
5. Athena- Goddess of Wisdom and battle Strategy
6. Artemis- Goddess of the Moon, and the Hunt
7. Apollo- God of Music, Archery, Medicine, the Sun, Etc...
8. Hephaestus- God of the Forge and Fire
9. Ares- God of War
10. Hermes- God of Travelers, Messengers, Thieves, Messenger of the Gods
11. Dionysus- God of Wine and Parties
12. Aphrodite- Goddess of Love
Hades and Hestia are also Olympian Gods but they do not have a seat on the Olympian Council.