There were indeed basically two sides fighting in World War one which was the Central powers led by Germany and the Allies led initially by the British and French.
The United States wanted to continue its policy of Isolationism which meant avoiding European affairs. Indeed President Wilson won re-election because he had kept America out of the war.
Germany announced that it was going to restart submarine warfare which meant sinking American ships which had been supplying Britain as the Germans wanted to starve the British. America denounced this heavily.
The Germans sent the Zimmerman telegram to try to get Mexico on their side against the United States even before America entered the war. They promised Mexico that they would reacquire territory lost to the U.S.
Europe's food production had been severely affected by the war so America had to do most of the feeding and the victory gardens as they were called were an invaluable resource.
10. TRUE
The war started in 1914 and ended in 1918 with America joining the war in 1917. This meant that American soldiers did not see as much action as their European counterparts and so suffered less losses.
11. TRUE
President Wilson championed the need for a League of Nations that would ensure peace after the war. Congress voted not to join this body as they wanted to maintain Isolationism.