The correct answers to this question are C) settled in cities that were near others form their country, creating ethnic neighborhoods, D) were fleeing persecution back home, and E) often planned to stay for a short time but remained in little colonies among their fellow nationals.
When most people emigrated to America, they settled in cities that were near others form their country, creating ethnic neighborhoods, were fleeing persecution back home, and often planned to stay for a short time but remained in little colonies among their fellow nationals.
When people left their former countries in order to immigrate into America, they were looking for better living conditions. When they arrive in North America they settled in cities that were near others form their country, creating an ethnic neighborhood that favored support and had the same traditions. Others were fleeing persecution back home, living conditions were harsh and they decided that the situation was complex to stay there. Finally, other immigrants had the idea to immigrate into America for a short period of time, improve their conditions and get back to their former countries again. But many remained in little colonies among their fellow nationals.