Answer: food competition
mate competition
competition for shelter
consumption by predator species
An ecosystem is a biotic community in which the living beings interact with their non-living physical environment. The abundance of every biotic species is regulated by nature by following strategies such as competition, natural hazard, limitation of resources and predation. Hence, all these factors maintains the balance in nature.
According to the competitive exclusion principle, when two species or organisms has the same ecological niche, the species or individual organism which is more stronger than the other is likely to get hold over the resources such as food, mate and shelter and is likely to survive. This competition will limit the population of the inferior organism or species and hence, the balance of nature will remain maintained.
Predation is the phenomena in which one organism obtain another organism as a source of food by killing it. The organism which is killed is called as a prey organism. The large population of prey can be controlled by the predator hence, will maintain the balance in an ecosystem.