You become the psychologist in this assignment! Pick a celebrity that has some "abnormal" behavior. Discuss each perspective in a way to explain his/her behavior.
For example, there used to be a famous NBA player, Dennis Rodman, He was a great basketball player but became known for his off the court antics.
From a Biological standpoint, one could say he was suffering from a chemical imbalance in his brain that disrupted his personality and made him seek attention, or that he inherited an over the top, outgoing personality from his mom.
From a Psychoanalytic standpoint, one might say that he was neglected or ignored as a child and as an adult seeks the attention he missed out on from his parents.
From a Behavioral standpoint one might say that he has seen other celebrities become famous (reward) for acting crazy and he is wanting that reward also, so he copies their behavior.
From a Cognitive standpoint, one could say he behaves in a ridiculous manner because he believes this will make him more popular.
From a Humanistic standpoint, one might say he believes that each of his tattoos represents a struggle in life and they help remind him of his full potential.
From a Sociocultural (cross-cultural) standpoint, one could say his behavior may be more accepted in the culture of the NBA so he does not find it outrageous at all.
Notice the use of certain signal words to indicate the perspective (they are in bold).
Address all 6 Perspectives.
Be specific and use your knowledge of the perspective to imply the events or causes of behavior according to the perspective (use of signal words).
You will pretend that you know something about the celebrity that explains the does not have to be factual, just appropriate for the perspective
You can choose any celebrity to explain his/her behavior.