In “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” the speaker acknowledges that death is inevitable—everyone dies, sooner or later. But that doesn't mean that people should simply give up and give in to death. Instead, the speaker argues that people should fight, fiercely and bravely, against death.The speaker also acknowledges that death is impossible to evade, but urges his father to fight it for as long as he can. The theme of this line is morality and transcendentalism. This line laments the inevitability and necessity of death, encouraging old people to rise up against their death and fate.Yet the poem suggests that despite death's inevitability, one can overcome it in some sense by leaving behind great words and actions, which requires resisting the temptation to yield to death. So whatever your greatness is, do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light! In his second stanza Thomas describes the wise men whose words forked no lighting. The meaning of this is that their words weren't able to leave their desired mark on the world.The tone here is desperate pleading as the speaker urges his father not "to go gentle into that good night" but to "rage, rage against the dying of the light." We realize that up to this point the speaker has been giving examples of various types of men--wise men, good men, grave men and many more.
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