Since the 1520s these regions, along with the Mexican state of Chiapas, had composed the captaincy general of Guatemala, part of the viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico). In 1821 they became independent from Spain, and in 1822 they were joined to the ephemeral empire of Mexico, ruled by Agustín de Iturbide. Following Iturbide’s abdication in March 1823, delegates from the Central American provinces, representing mostly upper-class creoles, assembled at Guatemala City in July to declare themselves completely independent and to form a federal republic—the United Provinces of Central America. They drew up a constitution that provided for a federal capital in Guatemala City and a president for each of the five constituent states, which were to enjoy complete local autonomy; suffrage was restricted to the upper classes, slavery was abolished, and the privileges of the Roman Catholic church were maintained. Manuel José Arce was elected first president in 1825.
Was founded 1823