We use the subjunctive to express desires, doubts, the unknown, the abstract, and emotions. As in the indicative, the subjunctive mood includes the same verb tenses, including the perfect, the past, and the future. So in this sentence we will complete each sentence using the correct conjugation of some verbs recorded above. Therefore:
1. Answer:
No creo que el gobierno resuelva el problema de la contaminación rápidamente.
Step-by-step explanation:
resuelva is the conjugation of the verb resolver for the third person singular in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb resolver here to point out that a problem needs to be solved by the government.
2. Answer:
Es imposible que los senadores lleguen a un acuerdo sobre la ley de la ecología.
Step-by-step explanation:
lleguen is the conjugation of the verb llegar for the third person plural in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb llegar here to express that senators need to reach an agreement on the law of ecology.
3. Answer:
No estoy seguro de que haya un centro de reciclaje por aquí.
Step-by-step explanation:
haya is the conjugation of the verb haber for the third person singular in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb haber here to express doubt about finding a recycling center around here.
4. Answer:
Es posible que los hermanos Reyes vayan a estudiar ecología en vez de filosofía
Step-by-step explanation:
vayan is the conjugation of the verb ir for the third person plural in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb ir here to express that it is likely that the Reyes brothers would study ecology rather than philosophy.
5. Answer:
El gobierno niega que la situación sea tan grave
Step-by-step explanation:
sea is the conjugation of the verb ser for the third person singular in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb ser here to point out what the government think about the situation in a country that is not serious.
6. Answer:
Es obvio que nadie quiera contaminar el medio ambiente
Step-by-step explanation:
quiera is the conjugation of the verb querer for the third person singular in the subjunctive mood. We use the verb querer here to point out the desire of the people to preserve the environment.