1. variation of a kernel sentence - a transform
2. lays down rules - prescriptive
Prescriptives are often given to set guidelines and rules for behavior.
3. division into halves - Lateralization
A lateral line would divide something into two parts. In this case, specifically into two halves.
4. study of word forms - morphology
The root word morph specifically means the form or shape of something.
5. simplest form of a sentence - kernel sentence
This is the basic form of a sentence with a subject and verb with no modifiers or connectives.
6. word forms in characteristic sequence - paradigm
7. developed transformational grammar - Noam Chomsky
8. a class of words in structural linguistics - interrogative
9. false idea or mistaken belief - fallacy
Fallacy contains the same root word as false - something that is not true.
10. a form of a noun or pronoun - case