1. Not all to sure what this question wants, but it reflected alot in books/plays for medieval times. and topography is seen in many ways all around the world.
2. The Angles and Saxons populated the British Isles, and the Franks ended up in France. In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who then became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.
3. Four different aspects of them were the military, trades, gifts and plunders.
4. Charlemegne's accomplishments were the Vita Caroli Magni.
5. First way to spread was the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine. Second was spreading through academics, monasteries, and cathedral schools.
6. They were very expected to work, monasteries became known for their various trade skills. There skills made the world eventually change because of its success.
7. Its pretty much just a dominant social system in medieval times. In which nobility held land for trades or services.
8. A knight in charge of a manor with 15 or more peasants.
9. Pahe is the first stage in which they serve a squire, learn religion, and learn how to use manners and dance properly. 2nd is Squire, they serve and attend the lords every needs, and takes care of armor and weaponry. 3rd is a knight, they always follow the code of chivalry.
10. Chivalry is the knights code system of manners and religion. I think its dead in some places, but over there it may not be anymore.