The correct answer to this question: Which quote best states Thoreau´s purpose behing writing "Walden", would be, C: "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that not life..."
Step-by-step explanation:
"Walden", also known as "Life in the Woods", is memoir written by Henry David Thoreau in 1854 and it narrates the life experiences, and spiritual journey of the author, as he lives for two years in a cabin at Walden Pond, Massachusetts, that was owned by his friend and mentor, Ralph Waldo Emerson. By his own words, Thoreau explained why he had written "Walden" and he himself says that he wanted to go back to the very basics of life, experience life at its barest point, and face all that would come with this style, and call everything, including difficulties, if there were any, by their true names. He wanted to experience life, without any extras, and that is why he chooses this cabin, in this landscape, set apart and isolated from all that Thoreau considered as non Spartan-like living. This is why the choice is C. These are Thoreau´s own words.