Comparing types of description 1 in "the road not taken," the description of the wood as yellow
:tells us the wood is very young, not yet full grown.
:makes the setting seem churchlike. :tells us the scene is taking place in noon. :helps us see the scene as autumnal.*** 2 in "o captain! my captain!" what is the underlying meaning of this line?
the port is near, the bells i hear, the people all exulting,
:many americans will greet the ship and pay their respects to president lincoln.
:the goal of keeping america one country is within reach, and people are joyous.***
:i am glad to be approaching victory and returning to my church and my people.
:we're are not quite home yet. we still have to quell riots.
3 in what ways is the use of descriptive language in the two poems similar?
the poems are "the road not taken", and "o captain! my captain!"
:both use analogies to represent decisions the speakers make.
:both use sorrowful images to communicate regret. :both use literal descriptions as symbols for deeper ideas.***
:both use figurative language to describe someone the speaker admired
4 how are the speakers in the two poems different?
:one is celebrating a decision he made, while the other regrets a choice.
:one is contemplating a past choice, while the other is mourning something out of his control.***
:one regrets a past decision, while the other is celebrating an accomplishment of a loved one.
:one wishes he had more control over his life, while the other is willing to leave things to chance.