The answer to the question: How many years did it take the Romans to end Spartacus´ uprising, is: 3 years in total, from 73 BC, to 71 BC, in what has been known historically as the Third Serville War, or The War of Spartacus.
Step-by-step explanation:
Spartacus was a gladiator who initiated the third of a series of slave and gladiator revolts, which took place during the Roman Republic. Around 73 BC, Spartacus, along with another two slaves: Crixus and Oenomaus. For three consecutive years, Spartacus and his military group were successful not just in rising against one of the most powerful army in the world, but they lasted a truly long time, going as far as to threaten Rome itself, going around the southern parts of Italia, raiding smaller villages and towns. When the threat reached too close to home, the Roman Senate called in commander Marcus Licinius Crassus, who, after a really long, and difficult campaign, defeated Spartacus and his men in 71 BC in the territory of Senerchia. While Spartacus died in battle, a lot of his supporters died crucified.