1824, only 50 years had passed since the end of the United States War of Independence. At this time, the country had been chaired by George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe; It was the turn of choosing the sixth. The generation of the revolution and its protections disappeared, and with it the last certainties about who the next leader would be blurred. That generational break opened a crack in the system, where bad forms were sneaked into the political competition and the germ of what years later would be the Democratic party.
From Tennesse came ready to take over the presidency Andrew Jackson, a war hero, to face John Quincy Adams, son of the first American vice president and second president of the country; someone who had been a congressman, senator, diplomat and secretary of state of the outgoing president. Adams had an immaculate curriculum. He won, but he did it thanks to the vote of the president of the House of Representatives, Henry Clay, who later became the secretary of state of Adams himself. Jackson swallowed something that for him was a corruption and, although he accepted the result, from that moment, he and his advisors began to design a plan to conquer the Oval Office.