d. a deathbed
Step-by-step explanation:
The poem's meaning is in its title:A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning. Vale= Latin for "farewell" and Diction= "speaking". Thus, "A speaking farewell but forbidding mourning". Knowing this, the principal line of the ballad bodes well. In this first stanza, Donne composes of a burial service. Idealistic men pass somewhat away into the following life since they don't fear what is on the opposite side. They are idealistic, genuine, and God-dreading and respectful. Truth be told, they pass away so gently that the general population in the room contending about the careful snapshot of passing- - ""Whilst some of their sad friends do say, The breath goes now, and some say, No".
In this way, as they leave without dread of things to come, so should the speaker of the ballad and his better half leave each other without dread of their future.