d.People were encouraged to voice their disagreements with church leaders, which led to people voicing their opinions about government.
Step-by-step explanation:
There was a Protestant movement called "The Great Awakening" in the 1730s-1740s which unified the religious forces in the colonies, which was the first step towards their final unification. The movement consisted in preaching values of Protestantism, apparently forgotten by the inhabitants of the colonies. Some ministers traveled through the colonies seeking to realize the movement. People who adhered to these ideals were called "New Lights" and people who did not adhere to them were called "Old Lights". After this event, US religiosity would decline for at least 80 years.
This movement failed to religiously unify the country, but at least it was a first step towards political unification that would culminate in the country's independence.
The first major awakening encouraged people to express their disagreements with church leaders, prompting people to express their views on the government.