We can find the circumference using the formula
but remember that the diameter is 2 times the radius
So we can use the formula using radius or diameter, the problem gives us the diameter, so let's use it, so the formula will change a little bit
Where "d" is the diameter.
d = 40 yd, and π = 3.14, so the circumference will be
And to find out the area we can use this formula
Or if you prefer use the radius
Let's use the formula with the diameter again
Then the circumference is 125.6 yd and the area is 1256 yd^2
Here we have a compounded figure, we have half of a circle and a triangle, so let's think about how we get the perimeter and the area.
The perimeter will be the sum of the sides of the triangle and half of a circumference, we already know the length of the triangle's side, it's 10.82, we got to find the half of a circle circumference and then sum with the sides.
We know that
And we can see in the figure that d = 12 mm, then
But that's a full circumference, we just want half of it, so let's divide it by 2.
Now we have half of a circumference we can approximate the perimeter of the figure, it will be
The area will be the area of the triangle sum the area of half of a circle
Then let's find the triangle's area first
The base "b" will be the diameter of the circle, and the height "h" will be 9 mm, then
And the half of a circle's area will be
Then the total area will be
Therefore, the perimeter and the area is