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B7 formula: =AVERAGE(B3:B6)
B8 formula: =B1*B2*B7
There are two parts to finding the answer to the questions posed. (1) You need to understand what you are being asked to calculate. (2) You need to know how to write that calculation as a spreadsheet formula.
It is beyond the scope of this answer to give a tutorial in spreadsheets. Many web sites, videos, books, and other help sources are available to teach you how to open and use a spreadsheet. Presumably, you've been given an introduction in your class.
a) The problem statement tells you that cell B7 contains the average of the values in cells B3 to B6.
The AVERAGE function will compute the average of a range of cells. It can be used in cell B7 to compute the average of the values in cells B3 to B6. The formula would generally be written ...
b) Problem 10 doesn't tell you explicitly what the pension formula is. We have to assume that it is similar to the formulas described in problems 8 and 9. That is, it is the product of a percentage, years worked, and the average of some number of salaries. In problem 10, the average is of 4 salaries.
The value in B8 will be the product of the pension credit percentage per year worked, the number of years worked, and the average of the last 4 years' salaries. Those values are in cells B1, B2, and B7, so the formula is written ...
= B1*B2*B7
The attachment shows the spreadsheet with the numbers from problem 8. The formula bar shows the formula for the selected cell, B8.