I should have known it was a bad idea but it didn’t stop me. I took some time to think about it and even though the cons were stacked against the pros, I wanted to adrenaline. Something seriously unnerving was going to happen. The stories, the dares, and what I had hoped to be legends. My odds of survival weren’t in my favor. My time was running out. I still hear whispering behind me. They want me to jump soon. I knew they were just kidding but maybe if I survived I could come out a better person on the other side. “Last thoughts?” I mumbled to myself. Nothing more to do. Maybe I shouldn’t. Oh no their chanting “do it!”. This is it. Jump! I only flew a few feet out before I felt my stomach rise while I dropped. Soon the feel an Excruciating snap go through my feet, ankles all the way to my hips. I’m submerged and try to swim but my left leg feels limp. I clench my teeth and flail my arms and legs. I soon black out. Is this death? Heaven? Or have a returned to hell?