The best answer to the question: Which of the following could she do to get a greater benefit during tennis? Would be: She needs to move more, with more frequency instead of just waiting for the ball to come, and add speed to her movements.
Step-by-step explanation:
Although bringing up the heart rate during exercise is not the only way to be able to lose weight, there are still things that can be done in order to utilize the best benefits of cardiovascular exercise, like tennis, and lose that weight.
There are several things that Lucy must bear in mind: one, the heart rate will begin to adjust as she trains more often, so it becomes harder to bring the heart rate so high. Second, fat burning in the body with cardio only starts after 30 min of aerobic exercise. This is why in many weight-loss programs weight lifting is also encouraged. Third, she must remember that heart rate responds best to sudden changes and prolonged speed, so, if she does not remain static on the court, waiting for the ball, if she keeps her body moving with small jogging-like movements, her heart will retain the high rate. Also, the faster she moves, the faster her heart will have to beat to feed the growing needs of the body.