3x^2-4x+8 (R -1)
We can use synthetic division:
-2 | 3 2 0 15
____-6 8 -16
3 -4 8 | -1
So basically, you solve x+2=0 (which is x=-2) and then you put it on the left side. Then make a line and put the coefficients of the polynomial you want to divide. Then with the first coefficient it gets dropped. You would then multiply this by -2 (so 3*-2=-6) and then combine it with 2 in the second column (2+-6=-4). Then we do the same thing with the third column (-4*-2=8) and combine (0+8=8). Same with the fourth column (8*-2=-16) but when we combine this time the answer will be our remainder (15+-16=-1).
So how you would read your final answer is 3x^2-4x+8 (R -1) which the numbers you get are the coefficients.