You have been pulled over by a police officer. He begins performing the following tests: horizontal gaze nystagmus, walk and turn, and one-leg stand. What type of tests are these?
A) DUI field tests
B) impairment tests
C) breathalyzer test
D) psychophysical tests
A forensic team collecting evidence from a crime scene discovers a clump of hair grasped in the victim's hand, very likely removed forcibly from the suspect. What factor would limit the usefulness of this evidence if no 'persons of interest' have been identified?
A) The suspect's DNA is not on file.
B) No DNA can be extracted from the sample.
C) The hair doesn't exhibit clear characteristics of ethnic origin.
D) The hair has been dyed so suspect's natural color can't be determined
If an arrest is made because a suspect fails the field sobriety test and has a BAC level of .08% or higher, their blood is collected at the police station and preserved for further analysis.
Which technique is used for a more accurate BAC at the time of arrest?
A) Scott test
B) gas chromatography
C) paper chromatography
D) microcrystalline test
Which of the following statements is true?
A) Hair is always considered to be individual evidence, meaning it will pinpoint the individual.
B) Hair is always considered to be class evidence, meaning you can never pinpoint the individual.
C) Hair with the root/ follicular tag may contain DNA and is considered individual evidence but without the root is considered to be class evidence.
D) None of the above