Capitalist- Free market
Step-by-step explanation:
According to a market economy , decisioni for private business regarding levels of goods and services are set by the demand of consumers.
The price as well is a signal created by the interaction of two main forces, supply and demand. If a higher demand, then a lower. In this model, the market ranges according to offer and demand among other factors, and providing public goods usually will be done by goverment as he guarantees for private ownership are curcial.
Economical activity will be "laissez faire" free to be made
Capital will be free to be allocated as well , and this usually is the contrast to interventionist or mixed economies wheretovernment play more active or definite roles in correcting the problems , failures that in economy
are called externatilites. Logically, in a economic planning system the state allocates and arranges different production levels.
See below :)