If you're from k12 the reading from this assignment says:
"Islam in Africa is almost as old as the faith itself. European colonialists in many cases adopted Muslim law as a unifying administrative structure, rather than the indigenous and often competing tribal customs of their artificially demarcated colonies. The settlement of the Arabs in North Africa somewhat resembled the settlement of the colonists in North America seeking religious freedom and wealth. When the Arabs settled in North Africa, it became the land of hope and opportunity where they could be free from persecution and make a fortune! Sound familiar?
Today, North Africa above the Sahara and significant portions of West Africa and the East African coast are Islamic. Muslims have played an incredibly important role in the development of Africa in the 14 centuries that they have been on the continent. Muslims have played many roles throughout the years – they have been integral in the process of state-building, creating commercial networks between parts of the continent, and in introducing literacy. In fact, many Muslims were given the job of scribes in charge of state records in many areas. Muslims were also responsible for building relationships and developing inter-state diplomacy within Africa and beyond."
Remember to use your own words. Good luck!