Do you know the difference between a bystander and an upstander? A bystander is someone that does not speak up or act when they see acts of intolerance taking place. They just go about their business. An upstander is someone who takes action when they see an act of intolerance take place Guilt. After the bullying incident is over, many bystanders are weighed down with guilt. Not only do they feel bad for what happened to the victim, but they also experience overwhelming guilt for not intervening. They also can feel guilty for not knowing what to do, or for being too fearful to step in There are many reasons why youth may or may not intervene or defend the target of bullying. Some reasons bystanders do not intervene or respond to the bullying include: Fear of retaliation and being bullied themselves. ... They do not believe teachers or school staff will address the bullying Bullying can affect mental, physical and emotional health during school years and into adulthood. It can lead to physical injury, social or emotional problems and in some cases, even death. Bullied children and teens are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and sometimes long-term damage to self-esteem.
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