Agricultural, pastoral, and foraging societies all had one goal in common: find food. Though, they went about these different ways. Agricultural, or agrarian societies are based on large-scale agricultural production made possible by plows pulled by animals. Agrarian societies are far more efficient than earlier, societies and typically have a huge food surplus. This supports a complex-division of labor which leads to the accumulation of great wealth by the few and considerable inequality. Pastoral societies are societies in which animals are, domesticated and raised for food in pastures. Pastoral societies tended to develop in arid regions where there was insufficient rainfall to raise crops on the land. They were usually nomadic, moving on to a new area after the animals, had exhausted the food supply in each pasture. Foraging societies, or commonly, known as Hunter-Gatherers, generally have a passive dependence on what the environment contains. I have a history book, & your answer was right in front of me. I hoped this helped!