Dekanawidah compares the Five Nations Confederacy to a bundle of sticks in order to illustrate the understanding made between nations statin they would not disagree.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Iroquois Constitution, also known as the Great Law of Peace, is an oral narrative that documents the formation of a league of Five Nations Confederacy which date of origin goes way before the arrival of European settlers to America. In it, Dekanawidah who was the founder of the Confederacy, compares the Five Nations Union to a bundle of sticks that shall be bound together in order to work as one. This comparison is made to illustrate the understanding made between nations stating they would not disagree. As the leader expresses, the Five Nations must be enfolded together in order to work and legislate as one for the interest of all of its members, reinforcing the concept of unity as a key point for governance.