Stalin among the allies leaders demanded payments from Germany to pay for the damages of war. But also they demanded recognition for the Soviet Union and territory rights for certain zones Poland being one of them.
Step-by-step explanation:
All right, after the Allies defeated Germany in world war II they demanded that Germany had to pay for the damages of war to all of the affected countries, including Russia because of the Germans' incursions against Russia. But Stalin himself went deeper, he wanted certain rights over geopolitically important territories, also recognition of the Soviet Union as a savior of Poland among many other countries and that their work in the war would be recognized. Russia fought racing battles with the allies to gain some benefits or treasuries of war, which they claimed for themselves and kept them to preserve them. In their majority were very valuable pieces of art that the allies returned to their respectful owners, while the Russians didn't. So in conclusion, Stalin demanded payment, war treasuries, control over other countries and recognition for the Soviet Union.