The Enlightenment contributed to the Revolution to democracy because it was the source of some of the main ideas held by the Founding Fathers. We can see this from the fact that Enlightenment ideas are prominent in the Declaration of Independence.Enlightenment political thinkers believed that monarchy did not make sense as a system of government. They believed that it was not rational to think that God had designated some family to rule over a whole country. Instead, they thought, it was more rational to think that people all had to agree to be ruled by their government. thinkers also thought that monarchy was bad because monarchs ruled for their own good, not the good of the people. These thinkers asked why people would agree to be ruled by a government. They theorized that people agree to be ruled so that the government will protect their basic rights. They want a government that will protect their lives, their freedom, and their property. This, the Enlightenment thinkers said, was the correct role for government.