Equal to comparison operator is ==
The Assignment operator is =
Declaring variables
A char only stores one letter, number or symbol
0s or 1s
float taxRate = 0.25;
grossPay = hrsWorked * payRate;
Step-by-step explanation:
The assignment operator is used for assigning values to a variable e.g x = 5 and y = 5, while the comparison operator is used to check if two variables are equal to each other e.g if x == y
String is used for text variables, boolean is used for 0s or 1's, int and float are used for numbers
Variable names in Java can begin with underscore, dollar sign or a letter but never a backslash. If you start your variable name with a backslash, it won't be recognized by the system
Declaring variables means declaring its type which is synonymous with what is being done, by labelling the boxes, you are defining the type of content they can hold
The ! sign is used for negation, therefore having it before an equal to symbol means that it negates the equal to
A char (character) only holds one single character, be it a number, letter or symbol. Super100 can be stored using a string instead
Boolean data types store 0s or 1s otherwise called no or yes respectively
Payment is always calculated based on hours worked and the pay rate, therefore, grossPay = hrsWorked * payRate is the best construct here
Multiplication comes before the Division, the other M stands for Modulus which is what you have left after performing a division
As stated above, the ! sign is used for negation, therefore for 3 not to equal 9, you have 3!=9
Float is used for decimal numbers in Java