first, we need to change these fractions' denominator.
we need to make these fractions to have a same denominator.
4/5 1/2
5x2= 10
the first fraction's (4/5) denominator is 5, and the second fractions' (1/2) denominator is 2. if we multiply these denominators, we get 10.
now, we need to make both fractions to have a same denominator.
for 4/5, we multiplied the denominator of it (5x2), so we need to do the same thing with the numerator.
we multiplyed to for each of them. so the fraction 4/5 is equal to 8/10
we need to do the same thing for 1/2.
we need to multiply 5 for this fractions, because to make the denominator same for other fraction, we need to multiply 2 by 5.
so 1/2 equals to 5/10.
4/5= 8/10
1/2= 1/10
if we add 8/10 with 1/10, it would be 9/10.
you don't add the 10 because it's the divisors.
the answer is 9/10
hope it helped:)