Here we need to estimated quotient of -23.514 and -3.98.
We need to use the division to find the answer.
Before going to the division, we need to estimate the dividend -23.514 and the divisor -3.98 to nearest integer.
-23.514, here the tenths place digit is 5, since it is greater than or equal to 5, we can 1 in the unit place and round off.
So, -23.514 = -24
-3.98, here the tenths place digit is 9 which is greater than or equal to 5, so we add 1 in the unit place and estimate.
So, -3.98 = -4
Now we have to divide -24 by -4.

Remember, when divide a negative by a negative number, the answer will be in positive. This is a division sign rule.