Are they Simple, Compound, or Complex sentences? I really appreciate it!
1. Ida Tarbell and Jacob Riis were two American Writers who exposed social
2. Ida Tarbell attacked John D. Rockefeller's control of the oil industry, and Jacob Riis criticized conditions in urban slums.
3. although John D. Rockefeller was a heartless businessman, he gave away over 520 million dollars after his retirement.
4. streets and cities were unbelievably dirty, and the street lighting was bad.
5. many houses have no running water; tall buildings had no fire escapes.
6. fire was a constant threat because most buildings were wooden and have little space between them.
7. Rees believe that such conditions were unhealthy and unsafe.
8. Jane Addams established a famous settlement house in Chicago in 1889.
9. settlement houses provided neighborhood people with hot meals and educational and cultural activities.
10. many people made suggestions for improvements in cities but progress was slow.