c. Upward- club member proposes a new activity at a meeting, downward - secretary of club reads meeting minutes to entire club, lateral-club officers present reports to each other, grapevine- news of the club’s invitation to a competition is shared
Step-by-step explanation:
Channels of communication in any form of business are of various types. The most common types of channels in a business communication are-
1. Upward- It is a flow of information from the lower to the higher level of hierarchy within the company/ organization. So, the "club members proposing a new activity at a meeting" is a form of an upward communication.
2. Downward- the flow of communication of information from a higher level to a lower level of the organization. So, this is shown when "the secretary of club reads meeting minutes to entire club".
3. Lateral form of communication is the passing of information between the same levels of hierarchy in within the organization. Thus, "the club officers present reports to each other" is a lateral form of communication.
4. Grapevine is the passing of information but more of an informal form of communication. So, "news of the club’s invitation to a competition is shared" is a form of grapevine communication.