Answer: He used a new experimental method to test his hypothesis
Explanation: The theory of diseases caused by the presence of a germs is the theory that has been accepted today. Earlier it was thought that the diseases were caused by the presence of bacteria or fungi. The term "germ" or pathogen refers to all micro-organisms that live in the body of a human, animal, plant, developing and multiplying cause disease. Such diseases are caused by germs are known as infectious diseases.
Russian scientist Dmitri Ivanovski (1864 - 1920), conducted an experiment on the basis of which he proved that the diseases can be transferred to plants through a filtrate, and thus showed the filtering nature of the virus. This experiment was carried out on tobacco, on whose plants were spotted brown spots, illnesses that were on tobacco. He managed to pass disease from infected tobacco leaves to healthy ones by crushing diseased leaves around the root of healthy leaves. It is interesting that he failed to transmit the disease by planting the roots of diseased leaves beside to healthy ones. The point is that microorganisms from diseased leaves are thrown to the ground next to healthy roots, filtered through the soil, feeding on healthy roots, so they also get sick.