Below are the choices:
A. muscular strength
B. muscular endurance
C. cardiorespiratory endurance
D. flexibility
E. body composition
Below are the answers:
1. climbing a short flight of stairs ; A 2. walking one mile briskly B3. cross-country skiing; B 4. 15 minutes of stretching exercises; D 5. lifting a heavy weight with few repetitions; A 6. jogging a 5 km fun-run; C 7. eating healthfully; E 8. dancing for 30 minutes E9. carrying a heavy shopping bag from a store to your home B10. swimming 10 laps; C 11. pushing a large piece of furniture to the other side of a room; A 12. cycling to school every morning A
13. lifting weights with many repetitions; A 14. jumping rope to warm up D15. regular exercise in all areas B