The burning of wood and the burning of food calories produce carbon dioxide and heat. The calory burning gives energy to the body but in wood burning only wood becomes a carbon compound i.e. ash.
Step-by-step explanation:
The burning of wood and the burning of calories release carbon dioxide and heat. In the body, oxygen breaks down the food calories and produces CO2 which release from the body by exhalation. The heat produced by food burning causes sweating. Oxygen also helps in burning of wood. In this way the food calory burning and wood burning are similar.
In calory burning the complex food becomes simpler and helps in tissue metabolism. In wood burning atmospheric oxygen helps in burning, and they release other gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen to the environment which is not happening in case of metabolism. The complete burning of wood results in carbon compounds. In calories burning excess energy is stored in the form of fat. Because food calories are nothing but energy derive from different food.