Sometimes, I look at the keyboard when I type, and do not realize the mistake I have made until I look at the screen.
I often type the letter O instead of the number 0. This happens because these keys are close to each other on a QWERTY keyboard.
Every time I use the Backspace key to correct my mistakes, it slows me down.
Sometimes, the Num Lock mode is off, and I start typing numbers without looking at the screen. Eventually, when I look up at the screen and realize my mistake, I’d have lost time and the pace of my work. This affects my typing speed and accuracy.
When I type too fast, I often leave out some of the words that I had intended to type. This affects the accuracy of my work.
Steps to minimize errors
I should use the correct sitting posture to reduce strain on my body when I type.
I need to plan what I intend to write before I start typing
I should keep the spell checker on so that spelling and grammatical errors are highlighted.
I should correct errors as I type.
I should ensure that the Num Lock is on before I type using the numeric keypad.
I used these measures to improve my typing. I performed the typing test again after some practice.
For the first pangram, I typed all the 46 entries in 1 minute. I made 1 error.
Step-by-step explanation: