1. I first inserted the Windows XP CD in the CD/DVD-ROM drive. After inserting the CD, the message “Press any key to boot from CD” appeared on the screen. I pressed a key, and the message “Setup is inspecting your computer hardware configuration...” appeared on the screen.
2. Next, I pressed Enter, and the XP setup menu came up to help continue the setup.
3. When the licensing agreement came up, I pressed F8 to agree to the rules and regulations of the agreement contract.
4. Next, I pressed Esc to install a fresh copy of Windows XP.
5. At some point of the installation, I was prompted to create new partition spaces using the partition setup screen.
6. After completing the partition process, I pressed Enter to install XP.
7. Next, I chose the NTFS file system for my drives.
8. Next, I pressed Enter to start the formatting process. At the end of the formatting process, Windows started installing files.
9. I configured my system by responding to the prompts of a setup Wizard.
10. Finally, my system restarted, and the Windows XP installation was complete.