Read the scenario carefully. There are several responses to each scenario. For each response indicate whether the person is being a bystander or an upstander.
A friend of yours dropped her phone by the drinking fountain near the school soccer field. Someone found it and sent a really mean message about another student to a bunch of people on her soccer team, then put the phone back by the drinking fountain. The student who was targeted told your friend she was a terrible person for sending that message, even though she wasn’t the one who sent it. No one knows who sent the mean message. You . . .
1. Feel sad for your friend but do nothing because no one knows who did that mean thing to her.
Bystander or Upstander
2. Go find the person targeted and ask them how they feel and whether you can help.
Bystander or Upstander
3. Spread the drama by sharing the mean message with other friends.
Bystander or Upstander
4. And your friend get everybody on the soccer team to post compliments about the person who was targeted.
Bystander or Upstander
5. And your friend anonymously report the incident to your principal, letting them know that everybody needs to talk about good phone security and locking their phones.
Bystander or Upstander