1) where did aids/hiv originate?
HIV attacks human's immune system just like SIV (the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) attacks chimpanzee's immune systems. Scientists found similarities in these virus and they believe that HIV had origin in chimpanzees and then crossed to humans that were hunting them.
2)why is it important for humans to study the "viral chatter" stage?
The viral chatter stage it's when the virus is moving from animals to humans it's very important for humans to study this stage because it could lead to earlier diagnoses before it reaches the human stage. 3. contact with viruses that could jump to humans:
People can contract viruses if they contact with animal's blood and have intensive contact with the contaminated animals.
4)risky behaviors for zoonotic diseases continue:Some people come into contact with the animals that are known to carry zoonotic diseases because they have no other choice to ensure their survival. They need to feed their families and themselves and to that they have to contact with their contaminated blood.
5. why is the global tracking of zoonotic diseases important?It's important to keep track of diseases at a global level, so that we can know if it's getting more dangerous for humans and other animals to live.It's important to know well the disease so that we can protect ourselves from getting contaminated and to stop it from spreading.
Avian flu
1) Why is avian flu a concern? The avian flu is a concern because it’s fatal and can be contagious, making it easier to pass the disease to others.
2) How does the virus get into a cell and what happens once the virus gets in:
The virus needs to get into the cell to use the cell's machinery to produce the virus DNA.
It gets into a cell by attaching the hemagglutinin protein to the cell, facilitating the entry of the viral genome. Then it makes copies of it's DNA and uses neuraminidase to spread those copies throughout the whole body.
3. what would make it possible for the avian flu to be transferred from human to human?
For the avian flu to be transferred between humans, it would require some mutations in virus aminoacids .
4) why are scientists looking at the 1918 flu?
The scientists look at the 1918 flu as a reference. 1918 flu was very deadly and had similar traits to the avian flu. By using it as a reference, they can find what connects them and possibly find cures for both.