for album 1 you have a total of (540+470) 1010 total sales, to find the percent sold as CDs divide 540 by 1010 giving you ~0.53465, then multiply that by 100 to find the percent
53.465%, round to the nearest whole number for 53% CDs
For album 2 you have a total of (571+452) 1023 total sales, to find the percent sold as digital downloads follow the same process as before,
452/1023 = ~0.44183
0.44183 * 100 = 44.183 rounding to nearest whole gives 44% digital downloads
The last question tries to trick you a bit by comparing only digital downloads, so for album 1 you just have to subtract 53 from 100 to find the number of digital downloads of album 1, 47%
Therefore, album 1 sold more digital downloads than album 2