Somatic Cell Nuclear Transformation (SCNT)
Dolly Dolly sheep was cloned using this process by the Roslin institute in Scotland in 1997. This procedure was composed of following steps.
1. Nucleus transfer
The first step is the transfer of genetic information from a cell of the animal to be cloned, to an egg whose nucleus has been removed. That is, the genetic information of the egg is replaced with the genetic information of the animal to be cloned.
2. Stimulate cell division
Now the egg has been transplanted with complete information of the animal to be cloned. This implanted egg is now totiopotent like embryonic cells. That is, it holds the ability to create an entire organism through cell division. Next the egg is stimulated to divide by treatment with some chemicals or electric current.
3. Embryo transplant in host
With stimulation the asexully produced zygote stats dividing into a multi cellular embryo. When this embryo is sufficiently developed, it is implanted into the uterus of a female host, who acts as its surrogate mother. The rest of the development of the embryo happens just like a normal organism. When the organism will be given birth, it will be exact clone of the parent whose nuclesus was used.