Answer 1:
(A) Introduce a method of reform where all people are treated equal
Among their many purposes was to keep Bourbon capital in Bourbon pockets. They restricted the state’s taxing power, finished boards and offices (including the board of education), allowed the state debt to be compensated in ways not fully understood today, and prevented state assistance for projects such as river development and railroad construction.
Answer 2:
(A) To make money; to raise Louisiana's economy
The Louisiana state lottery was a contentious private investment whose schemes helped improve the state's enduring status for corruption. It was given a 25-year charter by the Legislature in 1868, in replacement for a $40,000 payment and thousands more in bribes.
Answer 3:
(C) Francis Nicholls
A traditional Democrat who looked at the antebellum age as a golden era in Louisiana, Francis R.T. Nicholls collected the bourbon or cultivator strategy to limit government-low taxes, few reliable services and inadequate involvement by blacks in the political processes.
Answer 4:
(C) They should never be allowed to vote.
Nicholls and such fellow Democrats as Richard Coke of neighboring Texas and Wade Hampton of South Carolina were named "Redeemer" administrators because their selections, united with the enlargement to the White House of moderate Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes, actually ended the rule of Radical Republicans during Reconstruction.
Answer 5:
(A) writing the entire Lottery Company into the state constitution
The Constitution of 1879 is one of the largest collections of laws in the world, partly due to provisions established during the Progressive Era defining powers of elected officials, but mostly due to opening by California ballot proposition and voter drives, which take form as approved amendments. Leads can be proposed by the governor, legislature, or by public petition, giving California one of the most adaptable legal systems in the world.
Answer 6:
(D) The low demand for vegetation
The lack of improvement in health in rural counties while other counties have shown growth over the last almost two decades was surprising to see," says Donald Schwarz, a vice president at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In fact, one out of every five rural counties the article looked at reality has worsened premature death rates.
Answer 7:
(B) The ordinary people
The Populists were an agrarian-based political campaign directed at growing requirements for the country’s farmers and agrarian workers. The Populist campaign was introduced by the Farmer’s Alliance and the Grange. The Populists allied with the labor campaign and were gathered into the Democratic Party in 1896.
Answer 8:
(D) The rural south
In politics, populism leads to a variety of programs which highlight the role of "the people" and often compare this group against "the elite". There is no particular meaning of the term, which developed in the 19th century and has been used to determine various things since that time. Few politicians or political associations describe themselves as "populists", and in political discourse, the word is often used to others pejoratively.
Answer 9:
(D) They believed African-Americans should be able to vote
Bourbon was a word practiced in the United States in the later 19th century (1872–1904) to refer to segments of the Democratic Party who were ideologically joined with preservation or classical liberalism, particularly those who supported presidential candidates .
Answer 10:
(D) Higher taxes on farmers
Populism was the party made out of farmers and common people. Hence their utmost demand was to eliminate high rate of taxes especially on farmers so that they can relieved too. As a result to populism was backed by the majority of farmers as they considered this party their voice.