3.) According to Karl Marx, human history shows that struggle develops between the thesis and its antithesis, leading to a synthesis. Marx called this historical change a "Dialectical process".
The dialectical method is a mindset about reality that can be a critical apparatus for uncovering the passing and fleeting nature of a social framework that on occasion - maybe more often than not - has all the earmarks of being a reality as genuine and unfaltering as the floor at the base of the staircase.
8.) During some periods of time, there are very few social movements in society and, at other times, a wave of social movements will emerge. The number of social movements increases "When a society experiences a cultural crisis".
A social movement is a vast gathering of individuals who are composed to advance or oppose some social change. A social development is regularly in light of two variables - initially, whom the development is endeavoring to change, and second, how much change a development is upholding. Social developments can happen at the individual level or at the societal level, and they can advocate for either minor or radical changes.
9.) When missionaries introduced steel axes to the aborigines of Australia, it upset their entire society. This spreading of an invention from one society to another is referred to as "Diffusion".
Ogburn's third procedure of social change is diffusion, the spread of innovation or revelation starting with one region then onto the next. Contact between societies is the wellspring of dissemination. Ogburn saw diffusion as the real procedure of social change and contends that it can have far achieving consequences for human connections.
10.) if a large group of people organized to promote or resist social change, it is involved in a "Social movement".
A social development is a sort of gathering activity. Social developments can be characterized as "hierarchical structures and techniques that may enable mistreated populaces to mount viable difficulties and oppose the all the more intense and advantaged elites". They are expansive, now and again casual, groupings of people or associations which center around particular political or social issues.